Building Bright Futures Fund:
Every Month, Every Student, Every Teacher
We’re excited to kick off the Building Bright Futures Fund (BFF)! This monthly giving campaign is designed to provide continuous support for our teachers and students, helping fund essential programs and meet urgent needs throughout the year. By becoming a BFF member, you help us say "yes" when our schools need it most. Join us today and help build brighter futures!
Can’t commit to a monthly donation? We understand! one time donors are always welcome!
Your donation supports the goals of the stafford education foundation.
*Please note: If you donate online you will have the choice to cover the processing fee to make your donation whole.
Student Scholars
Supporting the dreams and aspirations of students who exemplify excellence through scholarships and grants.
Instructional Enrichment
Enhancing classrooms by providing teacher grants for innovative and creative programs.
The Stafford Education Foundation, Inc. is a non-stock, not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia which is exempt from income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
For opportunities to support, call (540) 658-6534.